Scientific Consulting
grass field
grass field

Our Services

At EarthYield Advisories we offer a wide range of scientific consulting services that meet all academic and professional standards. Our scientific services include:

  • Quantitative methods including statistical analysis, data analysis and descriptive research. We offer services such as econometric modelling, cost-benefit analyses, and impact assessments to support data-driven decision-making in agricultural projects.

  • Qualitative research services including interviews, focus groups, and survey modelling. Our qualitative methods are tailored to capture the nuanced perspectives of communities and stakeholders, ensuring that our recommendations are both relevant and actionable.

  • Literature reviews and summaries. Our team conducts thorough meta-analyses to synthesize existing research and identify knowledge gaps. We provide comprehensive reports that summarize key findings and offer evidence-based recommendations for policy and practice.

  • Reports & Articles: We specialize in crafting clear, concise, and impactful reports that communicate complex scientific findings to diverse audiences. Our experience in publishing peer-reviewed scientific articles ensures that your research meets the highest standards. We assist with the entire process, from study design and data analysis to manuscript preparation and submission to reputable journals.

Strategy Research and Evaluation Services

We possess extensive experience in global projects and our team of experts provides valuable insights and actionable solutions to drive success in your initiatives. Our services include:

  • Impact Evaluation: We offer comprehensive assessments across key areas, such as policy impact assessments, environmental impact evaluations, project evaluations, quality evaluations, and social impact assessments. Our goal is to ensure agricultural and development policies and practices are effective, sustainable and beneficial to society.

  • Policy & Sustainability: We offer specialised services in policy strategy and sustainability strategy for the agriculture and development sectors. Our services focus on evaluating and shaping agricultural policies to enhance market efficiency, resilience, and stakeholder benefits. In sustainability strategy, we provide comprehensive assessments and solutions to promote environmentally sustainable solutions.

  • Cost-Benefit Analysis: We offer expert services in cost-benefit analysis for policies, projects, and agricultural practices. Our analyses meticulously evaluate the economic viability and long-term benefits of agricultural policies and initiatives. Our goal is to ensure that agricultural investments and practices deliver optimal economic and social returns.

green snake on brown soil
green snake on brown soil

We bring expertise in international projects and economics, and our team of specialists delivers insightful analysis and thorough research to ensure the success of our projects. Our services encompass:

  • Market Analysis: Our team of experts leverages extensive experience and advanced methodologies to provide valuable insights into market trends, consumer behavior, and competitive landscapes. We deliver actionable solutions tailored to optimize your agricultural strategies, ensuring you stay ahead in a dynamic market environment.

  • Risk Assessment: We specialize in conducting thorough risk assessments, including climate risk assessments. Our expert team provides detailed evaluations of potential risks, offering actionable strategies to mitigate impacts and enhance resilience. Our services ensure that agricultural operations are prepared for and can adapt to both current and future challenges.

  • Feasibility Analysis: We offer expert feasibility studies for the agriculture, climate, and development sectors. Our team conducts in-depth analyses to evaluate the practicality and potential success of your projects. We provide actionable insights and recommendations, ensuring your initiatives are viable and strategically sound. Our services help you make informed decisions and optimize project outcomes.

Market Analysis and Feasibility Studies
Project Management and Team Building
  • Project Management: Between us we have more than a decade of experience in project management ranging from agricultural and environmental issues to cultural and scientific exchanges. We have worked in diverse teams with multiple backgrounds and are comfortable implementing both more traditional and agile project management tools.

  • Team Leadership and Team Building: Any project is only as successful as its team and its weakest link. We strongly beliebe that team leadership and team building phases from outside can help your team thrive and realise its agricultural, environmental or developmental goals. We offer temporary leadership services to fulfil your project's potential and to increase efficiency.

  • Project Analysis: We specialise in comprehensive project evaluation, providing tailored services that assess the feasibility and impact of your project and the impact of your team. Our expert team ensures that projects meet their objectives, align with industry standards, and contribute positively to local communities. By delivering actionable insights and strategic recommendations, we help you optimise resources, mitigate risks, and enhance the long-term success.